I Got 40 Points on Ib Art Exam Why Did I Get a 3

Educational programme

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Plan (IBDP) is a 2-yr educational programme primarily aimed at xvi-to-19-twelvemonth-olds in 140 countries around the world. The programme provides an internationally accustomed qualification for entry into higher education and is recognized by many universities worldwide. It was developed in the early-to-mid-1960s in Geneva, Switzerland, by a grouping of international educators. After a six-year airplane pilot programme that ended in 1975, a bilingual diploma was established.

Administered by the International Baccalaureate (IB), the IBDP is taught in schools in over 140 countries, in one of three languages: English, French, or Spanish. In gild to offer the IB diploma, schools must be certified as an IB schoolhouse. IBDP students complete assessments in six subjects, traditionally ane from each of the 6 subject groups (although students may choose to forgo a group 6 field of study such every bit Art or music, instead choosing an additional bailiwick from ane of the other groups). In addition, they must fulfill the three cadre requirements, namely CAS, TOK and the Extended Essay. Students are evaluated using both internal and external assessments, and courses terminate with an externally assessed series of examinations, usually consisting of two or three timed written tests. Internal cess varies by field of study: there may be oral presentations, applied work, or written work. In most cases, these are initially graded past the classroom teacher, whose grades are and so verified or modified, as necessary, by an appointed external moderator.

Generally, the IBDP has been well-received. It has been commended for introducing interdisciplinary thinking to students. In the United Kingdom, The Guardian newspaper claims that the IBDP is "more academically challenging and broader than iii or four A-levels".[1]

History and background [edit]

In 1945, the "Conference of Internationally-minded Schools" asked the International Schoolhouse of Geneva (Ecolint) to create an international schools programme.[ii] [three] When he became managing director of Ecolint's English division, Desmond Cole-Baker began to develop the idea, and in 1962, his colleague Robert Leach organized a briefing in Geneva, at which the term "International Baccalaureate" was kickoff mentioned.[2] [4] An American social studies teacher, Leach organized the conference—with a $2500 grant from UNESCO—which was attended past observers from European schools and UNESCO. Writing about the genesis of the International Baccalaureate in Schools Beyond Frontiers, Alec Peterson credits Leach every bit "the original promoter of the International Baccalaureate."[v] At the end of the conference, Unesco funded the International School Association with an additional $10,000, which was inadequate to do more than produce a few papers, or bring teachers together for meetings.[6]

By 1964, international educators such as Alec Peterson (managing director of the Section of Teaching at Oxford University), Harlan Hanson (manager of the College Lath Advanced Placement Program), Desmond Cole (manager of United Nations International Schoolhouse in New York) and Desmond Cole-Bakery (head of the International School of Geneva) founded the International Schools Test Syndicate (ISES).[7] [8] Cole and Hanson brought experience with college entrance examinations in the The states, and Hanson, in particular, brought his experience from a long relationship with the Higher Lath.[viii] According to Peterson, "the breakthrough in the history of the IB" came in 1965 with a grant from the Twentieth Century Fund, which deputed Martin Mayer, author of The Schools, to produce a report on the feasibility of establishing a common curriculum and examination for international schools that would be acceptable for entry to universities worldwide.[6] This led to conferences involving Ecolint, the United World College of the Atlantic (Atlantic College), and others in the spring and fall of 1965, at which details about the curriculum for the Diploma Programme were discussed and agreed upon.[6]

The Ford Foundation grant, secured in 1966, funded Peterson's study at Oxford University, which focused on 3 bug: a comparative assay of "secondary educational programmes in European countries...in cooperation with the Council of Europe"; academy expectations for secondary students intending to enter university; and a "statistical comparison of IB pilot examination results with...national schoolhouse leaving examinations such as British A Levels and Us College Board (AP) Tests".[half dozen] [seven] As a result of the study and the curriculum model developed at UWC Atlantic College, Peterson initiated the pattern of combining "full general instruction with specialization", which melded with the curricula of the United States and Canada, and became the "curriculum framework" proposed at the UNESCO conference in Geneva in 1967.[seven] Late in 1967, ISES was restructured and renamed the IB Quango of Foundation, and John Goormaghtigh became the start president in Jan 1968.[6] In 1967, the group, which past then also included Ralph Tyler, identified eight schools to be used for the experimentation of the curriculum.[9]

In 1968, the IB headquarters were officially established in Geneva for the development and maintenance of the IBDP. Alec Peterson became IBO'due south beginning managing director general, and in 1968, twelve schools in twelve countries participated in the IBDP, including UWC Atlantic Higher and UNIS of New York.[half-dozen] [7] [10] The aim was to "provide an internationally acceptable university admissions qualification suitable for the growing mobile population of immature people whose parents were part of the world of diplomacy, international and multi-national organizations."[11]

The first six years of the IB Diploma Programme, with a limited number of students, are referred to equally the "experimental period".[12] Each school was to exist inspected past ISES or IBO and had to be canonical by their government.[13] The experimental flow ended in 1975, and in that year, the International Baccalaureate North America (IBNA) was established every bit a dissever entity, allowing the funding for implementation of the IBDP to remain in the country rather than being sent to Geneva.[14] The commencement official guide to the programme containing its syllabus and official assessment data was published in 1970 and included the theory of knowledge course. The extended essay was introduced in 1978, simply inventiveness, action, service (CAS), although mentioned in guides beforehand, was not specifically identified in the guide until 1989.[six] [xv]

In 1980, responding to criticism that the "internationalism" was Eurocentric, the IB hosted a seminar in Singapore with the goal of incorporating Asian culture and education into the IB curriculum. In 1982, the Standing Conference of Heads of IB Schools took steps to modify the Eurocentrism in the curriculum. The same year, the Japanese government hosted a science conference for IBO "as a token of Japanese interest in the diverse dimensions of the IB".[7]

From the start, all subjects of the IB Diploma Programme were available in English and French, and it was mandatory for all students to report both a first and a second language.[16] In 1974, bilingual diplomas were introduced that allowed students to accept ane or more than of their humanities or science subjects in a language other than their first. The IB Diploma Programme subjects became available in Spanish in 1983.[sixteen]

Core requirements and bailiwick groups [edit]

To exist awarded an IB diploma, candidates must fulfill 3 core requirements, in addition to passing their field of study examinations:[17]

  • Extended essay (EE). Candidates must write an independent research essay of up to 4,000 words[18] in a subject from the list of approved EE subjects.[19] The candidate may choose to investigate a topic within a subject they are currently studying, although this is not required.[twenty] The EE may be written on an interdisciplinary topic.[21]
  • Theory of knowledge (TOK). This grade introduces students to theories almost the nature and limitations of knowledge (basic epistemology) and provides practice in determining the meaning and validity of knowledge (critical thinking). It is claimed to be a "flagship chemical element" of the Diploma Programme, and is the one grade that all diploma candidates are required to have. TOK requires 100 hours of pedagogy, the completion of an externally assessed essay of 1600 words (from a choice of half dozen titles prescribed by the IB worth 67%), and an internally assessed exhibition or presentation (worth 33%) on the candidate's chosen topic.[22]
  • Creativity, activity, service (CAS). CAS aims to provide students with opportunities for personal growth, cocky-reflection, intellectual, concrete and artistic challenges, and awareness of themselves every bit responsible members of their communities[23] through participation in social or community piece of work (service), athletics or other concrete activities (activity), and creative activities (creativity). The guideline for the minimum amount of CAS action over the two-year program is approximately 3–4 hours per week, though "hour counting" is not encouraged. Previously, there was a requirement that 150 CAS hours be completed, only this was abolished in 2010. Notwithstanding, some schools still require these hours.[23]
Subject area groups

Students who pursue the IB diploma must take six subjects: i each from Groups 1–5,[19] and either one from Group vi or a permitted substitute from 1 of the other groups, every bit described beneath.[24] Three or four subjects must be taken at Higher level (HL) and the rest at Standard level (SL).[19] The IB recommends a minimum of 240 hours of instructional time for HL courses and 150 hours for SL courses.[nineteen]

While the IB encourages students to pursue the total IB diploma, the "substantial workload require[s] a cracking deal of commitment, organization, and initiative". Students may instead cull to annals for one or more than individual IB subjects, without the core requirements. Such students will not receive the total diploma.[25]

The half-dozen IBDP subject groups and class offerings are summarised below. More information nigh the subject groups and individual courses tin be found at the corresponding subject grouping articles:

  • Group ane: Studies in language and literature. Taken at either SL or HL, this is generally the student'south native language, with over 80 languages available.[26] As of courses starting in summertime 2011, at that place are ii options for Language A (previously A1): Literature, which is very like to the erstwhile form, and Language and Literature, a slightly more challenging adaptation of the onetime Group 2 Language A2 subjects, which take been withdrawn. The interdisciplinary subject Literature and Performance tin can also be taken at SL.
  • Group two: Language acquisition. An additional language, taken at the following levels: Language B (SL or HL), or Language ab initio (SL only).[27] Latin and Classical Greek are also offered and may be taken at SL or HL.[26] Following the replacement of the Language A2 choice with the Grouping one Language and Literature offering for courses starting in summer 2011, the Language B syllabus was changed: the coursework is at present more than rigorous, and at HL, there is the compulsory study of two works of literature (although this is for comprehension rather than assay and is just assessed through coursework). In add-on, B SL students can report one of the texts equally a replacement for the optional topics.
  • Group iii: Individuals and societies. Humanities and social sciences courses offered at both SL and HL: Business Management, Economics, Geography, History, Information technology in a Global Order (ITGS), Philosophy, Psychology, and Social and Cultural Anthropology and Global Politics.[28] The form World Religions and the interdisciplinary course Ecology Systems and Societies are also offered at SL but.
  • Grouping 4: Experimental sciences. V courses are offered at both SL and HL: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Design Applied science and Computer science. The class Sport, Practise and Health Science and the interdisciplinary courses Ecology Systems and Societies and Nature of Science are offered at SL just.
  • Group 5: Mathematics. All students hoping to graduate with an IB Diploma must accept a math class, with courses available at different levels and with unlike focus. There are two singled-out IB Math courses, both available at standard or higher level: Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches, with an emphasis on algebraic methods and mathematical thinking, and Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation, with an accent on modelling and statistics, and with a focus on using applied science to solve problems with real-world applications. These curricula were introduced in major changes in 2019 and 2021, replacing the previous curricula with a new structure. Nether the 2019 course changes, Further Mathematics were dropped entirely.[29] [30] [31] Earlier 2019, in order of increasing difficulty, the courses offered were Mathematical Studies SL, Mathematics SL and HL, and Further Mathematics HL. The informatics elective courses were moved to Grouping 4 as a full course from offset examinations in 2014.[32]
  • Group 6: The arts. Courses offered at both SL and HL: Trip the light fantastic, strange languages, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, and Film.[33] In lieu of taking a Group half dozen course, students may choose to take an boosted course from Groups 1–4, a Informatics course from Group iv, or a schoolhouse-based syllabus course approved by IB.[24] [34] The interdisciplinary subject Literature and Performance is also offered, although currently only at SL.

Environmental Systems and Societies SL is an interdisciplinary course designed to come across the diploma requirements for groups 3 and 4, while Literature and Performance SL meets the requirements of Groups ane and half dozen.[35]

Online Diploma Programme and pilot courses

The IB is developing a pilot online version of the IBDP and currently offers several online courses to IBDP students.[36] Eventually, it expects to offering online courses to any educatee who wishes to annals.[37] Additionally, the IB has developed pilot courses that include Earth Religions; Sports, Exercise and Wellness Sciences, Trip the light fantastic, and a transdisciplinary pilot course, Literature and Performance, Global Politics.[35] [38] [39] These pilot courses accept now get function of the mainstream courses.[40] [41] [42] [43] [44]

Assessment and awards [edit]

All subjects (with the exception of CAS) are evaluated using both internal and external assessors. The externally assessed examinations are given worldwide in May (usually for Northern Hemisphere schools) and in November (usually for Southern Hemisphere schools). Each test ordinarily consists of two or three papers, generally written on the aforementioned or successive weekdays.[45] The dissimilar papers may take different forms of questions, or they may focus on unlike areas of the subject area syllabus. For example, in Chemistry SL, newspaper one has multiple choice questions, paper ii has extended response questions. Newspaper 3 focuses on the "Option(due south)" selected past the teacher and data assay questions. The grading of all external assessments is washed past independent examiners appointed past the IB.[46]

The nature of the internal assessment (IA) varies by bailiwick. There may be oral presentations (used in languages), practical work (in experimental sciences and performing arts), or written work. Internal cess accounts for xx to 50 pct of the mark awarded for each subject and is marked past a instructor in the school. A sample of at to the lowest degree five per bailiwick at each level from a schoolhouse will also be graded by a moderator appointed by the IB, in a process called external moderation of internal assessment. Based on this moderation, the grades of the whole subject from that school will change.[46]

Points are awarded from ane to 7, with 7 being equal to A*, 6 equal to A, and so on. Upwardly to iii additional points are awarded depending on the grades achieved in the extended essay and theory of knowledge, and so the maximum possible point total in the IBDP is 45.[47] The global pass charge per unit for the IB diploma is approximately 80%.[48] In order to receive an IB diploma, candidates must receive a minimum of 24 points or an average of four (or C) out of a possible seven points for six subjects. Candidates must also receive a minimum of 12 points from their Higher Level subjects and a minimum of 9 points from their Standard Level subjects. Additionally, candidates must complete all of the requirements for the EE, CAS and TOK. Failing conditions that will prevent a pupil from being awarded a diploma, regardless of points received, are non-completion of CAS, more than three scores of 3 or beneath, not meeting the specific points required for Higher Level or Standard Level subjects, or plagiarism in add-on to scoring higher than a score of 1 in any subject area/level.[49]

Candidates who successfully complete all the requirements of the IB Diploma Program and one or more than of the post-obit combinations are eligible to receive a bilingual diploma: two Group one subjects (of unlike languages), a Grouping 3 or 4 subject taken in a language other than the candidate's Group 1 language, or an Extended Essay in a Group 3 or Grouping 4 subject written in a language other than the candidate's Group one language.[50] IB transcripts are issued to indicate completion of diploma courses and exams for non-diploma candidate students.[51]

Special circumstances

Where standard cess conditions could put a student with special educational needs at a disadvantage, special arrangements may be allowed. The Candidates with Special Assessment Needs publication contains data regarding procedures and arrangements for students with special needs.[52]


To offer the IB Diploma Programme, an institution must go through an application procedure, and during that period the teachers are trained in the IB. At the end of the application procedure, IB conducts an say-so visit.[53] Once a schoolhouse is authorised to offer the programme, an annual fee ensures ongoing back up from the IB, legal authorisation to display the IB logo, and access to the Online Curriculum Centre (OCC) and the IB Information Organization (IBIS).[53] The OCC provides information, resources, and back up for IB teachers and coordinators. IBIS is a database employed by IB coordinators.[54] Other IB fees also include student registration and individual diploma subject examination fees.[53]

Academy recognition [edit]

The IB diploma is accepted in 75 countries at over 2,000 universities, and the IB has a search directory on its website, although it advises students to check recognition policies direct with each university.[55] The IB also maintains a listing of universities offering scholarships to IBDP graduates nether atmospheric condition specified by each establishment, including 58 colleges and universities in the United States.[56] The following is an overview of university recognition policies in diverse countries.

Australia Although every university in Commonwealth of australia accepts the IB diploma, entry criteria differ from academy to academy. Some universities take students on their IB point count, whereas others require the points to be converted. In almost states, this is based on the Australian Tertiary Access Rank (ATAR).[57] In Queensland, IBDP scores are converted to a QTAC calibration to determine selection rank.[58]
Austria It is considered a foreign secondary school leaving certificate, even if the school issuing the diploma is in the country. Admission decisions are at the discretion of higher pedagogy institutions.[59]
Canada IB North America publishes an IB Recognition Policy Summary for Canadian Universities. [60]
China The People's Republic of China does non formally accept the IB diploma for university qualification.[61]
Finland The IB diploma gives the same qualification for matriculation as the national matriculation examination.[62] The cadre requirements differ very little, although the Finnish degree has more electives and languages are a larger part of the final grading
French republic The IBDP is one of the strange diplomas that permit students access into French universities.[63]
Germany Has set certain weather for the IB diploma to be accepted. Students must have either Group 1 or 2 (or both) at HL; mathematics Standard Level minimum; and at to the lowest degree one scientific discipline or mathematics class at Higher Level.[64] German International Baccalaureate students in some schools are able to earn a "bilingual diploma" that gains them access to German language universities; half of the classes in this programme are held in High german.[65]
Hong Kong IB diploma students may utilise to universities as non-JUPAS (Joint University Programmes Admissions System).[66]
India The Association of Indian Universities recognizes the IBDP every bit an entry qualification to all universities, provided that the applicants include a document from the IB detailing pct equivalency and that specific course requirements for admission to medical and engineering programs are satisfied.[67] [68]
Italy The Italian Ministry of Educational activity recognizes the IB diploma as academically equivalent to the national diploma, provided the curriculum includes the Italian language and the particular IB programme is accepted for H.E.D. matriculation in Italy.[69]
Republic of peru Peruvian universities practise not officially take the IB diploma. However, the Ministry of Education may grant fractional equivalence to national diploma for students who take satisfactorily completed the quaternary year of high school in the land.[lxx]
Philippines Some universities in the Philippines take the IB diploma in lieu of taking the archway exams.[71]
Russia According to the IB, in that location are two universities in Russian federation that officially recognize the IB diploma subject to certain guidelines. The Russian Ministry of Educational activity considers the IB diploma issued by state-accredited IB schools in Russian federation equivalent to the document of secondary (consummate) full general education (attestat).[72]
Spain Considers the IB diploma academically equivalent to the "Título de bachillerato español". Every bit of 1 June 2008, IB diploma holders no longer need to laissez passer the Academy Entrance Examination to exist admitted to Spanish universities.
Sweden IB diploma grades can be converted to a Swedish grade equivalent. After the conversion the IB diploma is treated the same as grades from the Swedish didactics organisation.[73]
Turkey Turkish universities accept the IB diploma, but all applicants are required by law to have the academy archway examinations.[74]
United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland UCAS publishes a academy entrance tariff tabular array that converts IB and other qualifications into standardised "tariff points",[75] but these are not binding,[76] so institutions are complimentary to ready minimum entry requirements for IB candidates that are not the aforementioned every bit those for A level candidates. Nigh universities in the U.k. require IB students to take more courses than A-level students—requiring, for example, four Equally and ii Bs from an IB educatee, whereas an A-level student will only need an ABB—because each subject taken as a part of the IB gives a less broad coverage of a similar subject taken at A-level.
United States Institutions of higher education set up their own admission and credit policies for IB diploma recognition.[77] Colorado and Texas take legislation requiring universities to adopt and implement policy which awards higher credit to students who have successfully completed the IBDP.[78] [79]

Reception [edit]

The IBDP was described as "a rigorous, off-the-shelf curriculum recognized by universities around the world" on 10 December 2006, edition of Fourth dimension magazine, in an article titled "How to bring our schools out of the 20th century".[80] It was besides featured in the summer 2002 edition of American Educator, where Robert Rothman described it as "a good instance of an effective, instructionally sound, examination-based arrangement".[81] Howard Gardner, a professor of educational psychology at Harvard University, said that the IBDP curriculum is "less parochial than most American efforts" and helps students "think critically, synthesize knowledge, reflect on their own thought processes and get their feet wet in interdisciplinary thinking".[82] An admissions officeholder at Brown Academy has claimed the IBDP garners widespread respect.[83]

In the United Kingdom, the IBDP is "regarded as more academically challenging merely broader than 3 or four A-levels", according to an article in The Guardian.[1] In 2006, government ministers provided funding so that "every local authority in England could have at least 1 centre offer 6th-formers the hazard to do the IB".[1]

In the United States, criticism of the IBDP has centered on the vague claim that it is anti-American, according to parents anonymously quoted in The New York Times, who objected to the program's funding from UNESCO in its early on years. The base cost is considered to be higher than other programs.[83] In 2012, the school board in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, voted to eliminate all IB programmes in the commune because of low participation and high costs.[84]

See besides [edit]

  • European Baccalaureate
  • List of secondary school leaving certificates
  • International school

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ a b c Shepard, Jessica (x February 2009). "Leap from Cardiff to Amsterdam for Baccalaureate". The Guardian. London.
  2. ^ a b Peterson p. 17
  3. ^ Play tricks p. v
  4. ^ HIll, 2007 p. 19
  5. ^ Peterson p. 18
  6. ^ a b c d e f k Peterson p. xviii-26
  7. ^ a b c d e Pull a fast one on, pp. 65-75
  8. ^ a b Mathews, p. 22
  9. ^ Peterson pp. 24–27
  10. ^ "International Baccalaureate history". uwc.org. Archived from the original on 31 May 2009. Retrieved 25 August 2009.
  11. ^ Hayden p. 94
  12. ^ Peterson pp. 61–98
  13. ^ Peterson, p. 31
  14. ^ Peterson, p. 141
  15. ^ Hill pp. 27 et. seq.
  16. ^ a b HIll p. 27 et. seq.
  17. ^ "Diploma Plan curriculum, cadre requirements". International Baccalaureate. Archived from the original on 15 June 2010. Retrieved 7 June 2010.
  18. ^ "Diploma Programme curriculum, extended essay". International Baccalaureate. Archived from the original on 31 August 2009. Retrieved six June 2009.
  19. ^ a b c d Schools' Guide to IBDP, p. 5.
  20. ^ Schools' Guide to IBDP, p. nine.
  21. ^ Schools' Guide to IBDP, p. vi.
  22. ^ Theory of knowledge guide (first examinations 2008). International Baccalaureate. March 2006.
  23. ^ a b Inventiveness, activeness, service Guide for students graduating in 2010 and thereafter, Published March 2008 International Baccalaureate
  24. ^ a b Schools' Guide to IBDP, p. 11.
  25. ^ van Loo, Marc (20 September 2004). "The parents guide to the IB Diploma" (PDF). p. 3. Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 Nov 2004. Retrieved 14 June 2009.
  26. ^ a b Schools' Guide to IBDP, p. 10.
  27. ^ "Diploma Program curriculum: Group 2, Second Language". ibo.org. Archived from the original on 22 July 2009. Retrieved 3 July 2009.
  28. ^ "Diploma Programme curriculum: Grouping 3, Individuals and societies". ibo.org. Archived from the original on 3 December 2013. Retrieved 1 Dec 2013.
  29. ^ "Mathematics curriculum changes". International Baccalaureate® . Retrieved 24 May 2019.
  30. ^ "Finding the best fit: New DP mathematics courses". The IB Community Blog. ibo.org. Retrieved half-dozen July 2020.
  31. ^ Brading, Gareth. "Exploring the changes to the DP Mathematics course construction : Secondary: Oxford University Printing". global.oup.com . Retrieved 14 Apr 2022.
  32. ^ "Diploma Program curriculum: Group v, Mathematics and Computer Scientific discipline". ibo.com. Archived from the original on 21 July 2009. Retrieved 3 July 2009.
  33. ^ "Diploma Programme curriculum: Group 6, The Arts". ibo.com. Archived from the original on 3 December 2013. Retrieved ane December 2013.
  34. ^ "Resources for Universities and Applicants in the US and Canada". ibo.org. Archived from the original on xviii September 2009. Retrieved 21 Baronial 2009.
  35. ^ a b "IB Diploma Plan: Additional subjects: Transdisciplinary subjects". ibo.org. Archived from the original on 21 July 2009. Retrieved 21 August 2009.
  36. ^ "Diploma courses online now bachelor". Archived from the original on 5 January 2011. Retrieved 17 January 2011.
  37. ^ "Diploma Program Online". Archived from the original on 31 August 2009. Retrieved 31 July 2009.
  38. ^ "The IB Diploma Program" (PDF). ibo.org. Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 June 2011. Retrieved 21 August 2009.
  39. ^ "IB Diploma Programme". ibo.org. Archived from the original on three Dec 2013. Retrieved 21 August 2009.
  40. ^ "Earth Religions". Archived from the original on 3 December 2013. Retrieved 1 December 2013.
  41. ^ "Sports, practise and health scientific discipline (SEHS)". Archived from the original on iii December 2013. Retrieved one December 2013.
  42. ^ "Dance (SL and HL)". Archived from the original on 3 December 2013. Retrieved one December 2013.
  43. ^ IB Grouping 6 subjects
  44. ^ "Studying global politics | International Baccalaureate®". International Baccalaureate . Retrieved 17 November 2016.
  45. ^ "2008 IBO examination schedule" (PDF). International Baccalaureate. Archived from the original (PDF) on v February 2009. Retrieved ii July 2009.
  46. ^ a b "Diploma Programme Cess". Archived from the original on 4 September 2009. Retrieved six June 2009.
  47. ^ "45 points = 42 plus iii, but very distinguished 3 points". International Baccalaureate. Archived from the original on four September 2009. Retrieved xiv August 2009.
  48. ^ "21 Things You Should Know about the IB" (PDF). International Baccalaureate Organization. June 2007. Archived from the original (PDF) on v February 2009. Retrieved two July 2009.
  49. ^ "General Regulations Diploma Plan" (PDF). ibo.org . Retrieved 14 August 2009.
  50. ^ "A guide to the IBDP for universities and colleges: How to interpret IB grades and transcripts". ibo.org. Archived from the original on 21 July 2009. Retrieved ii July 2009.
  51. ^ "Frequently Asked Questions: IB Diploma Program". ibo.org. Archived from the original on i September 2009. Retrieved ii July 2009.
  52. ^ Candidates with Special Cess Needs Archived 25 November 2010 at the Wayback Machine International Baccalaureate Organization. March 2007. Retrieved 2009-06-29
  53. ^ a b c "North America Diploma Programme Application Process and Fees For schools seeking to starting time implementation in the Fall Term of 2011 and later" (PDF). International Baccalaureate North America. Archived from the original (PDF) on 16 June 2011. Retrieved 2 July 2009.
  54. ^ "Annual Schoolhouse Fees". ibo.org. Archived from the original on 15 June 2010. Retrieved 16 August 2010.
  55. ^ "University recognition directory". ibo.org. Archived from the original on 24 March 2008. Retrieved 29 September 2009.
  56. ^ "University scholarships for IB diploma holders". ibo.org. Archived from the original on iv September 2009. Retrieved 2 October 2009.
  57. ^ "VTAC Notional ATAR Conversion Tabular array" (PDF) . Retrieved nineteen March 2015.
  58. ^ "International Baccalaureate (IB) Studies". Queensland Tertiary Admissions Eye. 2009. Archived from the original on 13 October 2009. Retrieved 30 September 2009.
  59. ^ "Recognition of IB diploma for access to universities and colleges: Republic of austria". ibo.org. 26 May 2006. Archived from the original on 6 May 2008. Retrieved 2 October 2009.
  60. ^ IB Recognition Policy Summary – Canadian Universities Archived 25 July 2011 at the Wayback Auto IB North America Recognition Services. one–4. March 2007. Retrieved 2 July 2009.
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  65. ^ "International Baccalaureate Diploma Plan at ISHR". Retrieved 1 October 2009.
  66. ^ "Joint University Programmes Admissions System". Archived from the original on 30 September 2009. Retrieved 1 Oct 2009.
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  69. ^ "Study in Italy". Archived from the original on 7 September 2009. Retrieved ii Oct 2009.
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  71. ^ "(IB) Plan". Ateneo de Manila Academy. Retrieved 5 April 2020.
  72. ^ "Recognition of IB diploma for admission to universities and colleges: Russia". ibo.org. Archived from the original on eight June 2009. Retrieved two October 2009.
  73. ^ "Meritvärdering". UHR.se (in Swedish). Retrieved 21 Feb 2019.
  74. ^ "Recognition of IB diploma for admission to universities and colleges: Turkey". ibo.org. Archived from the original on iii December 2009. Retrieved 2 October 2009.
  75. ^ "UCAS – Tariff tables". The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Archived from the original on 11 October 2007. Retrieved 1 October 2009.
  76. ^ "UCAS – How does the Tariff piece of work?". The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). Retrieved 2 October 2009.
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  78. ^ Colorado Revised Statutes 23-1-113.ii. Section directive - admission standards for students holding international baccalaureate diplomas.
  79. ^ [NB]]Texas Didactics Code Section 51.968(b); this section also requires each institution of college education that offers freshman-level courses to prefer and implement a policy to grant undergraduate course credit to entering freshman students who have accomplished required scores on one or more examinations in the Advanced Placement Program or the College-Level Examination Program, or who have successfully completed ane or more courses offered through concurrent enrollment in loftier school and at an institution of higher instruction.
  80. ^ Wallis, Claudia (x December 2006). "How to bring our schools out of the 20th Century". Fourth dimension. Archived from the original on xiv Dec 2006. Retrieved xvi July 2009.
  81. ^ Rothman, Robert (Summer 2002). "A examination worth education to". American Educator. Archived from the original on four September 2009.
  82. ^ Gross, Jane (21 June 2003). "Diploma for the 'Meridian of the Peak'; International Baccalaureate Gains Favor in Region". The New York Times . Retrieved 27 July 2009.
  83. ^ a b Lewin, Tamar (2 July 2010). "International Program Catches on in U.s.a. Schools". The New York Times . Retrieved five July 2010.
  84. ^ Maben, Scott (6 August 2012). "IB program booted from Coeur d'Alene School District". The Spokesman Review.

References [edit]

  • Elisabeth Fox (2001). "The Emergence of the International Baccalaureate every bit an Impetus for Curriculum Reform". In Mary Hayden; Jeff Thompson (eds.). International Education: Principles and Practice (second ed.). Routledge. pp. 65–75. ISBN0-7494-3616-6.
  • Diploma Programme, Dance draft field of study guide 2009. International Baccalaureate Organization. 2008.
  • Diploma Plan, Handbook of Procedures for the Diploma Program, May and Nov 2009 examination sessions. Cardiff, Wales, UK: International Baccalaureate Organization. 2008.
  • Diploma Program, Sports, Practise, and Wellness Science draft subject guide. International Baccalaureate Organisation. 2007.
  • Diploma Program, Text and Operation draft subject guide 2008. Geneva, Switzerland: International Baccalaureate Organization. 2008.
  • Diploma Programme, Earth Religions typhoon subject area guide, first examinations 2011. International Baccalaureate Organisation. 2009.
  • Ian Hill (2002). "The History of International Teaching: An International Baccalaureate Perspective". In Mary Hayden; Jeff Thompson; George Walker (eds.). International Education in Exercise (1st ed.). Routledge. pp. 18–28. ISBN978-0-7494-3835-seven.
  • Ian Loma (2007). "International Teaching equally developed by the International Baccalaureate System". In Mary Hayden; Jeff Thompson; Jack Levy (eds.). The SAGE handbook of research in international teaching. SAGE. pp. 27 et seq. ISBN978-i-4129-1971-5.
  • Mathews, Jay (2005). Supertest: How the International Baccalaureate tin Strengthen our Schools. Open Court. p. 22. ISBN978-0-8126-9577-ix.
  • Peterson, A.D.C. (2003). Schools Beyond Frontiers (2nd ed.). Open Court. pp. 18–26. ISBN0-8126-9505-4.
  • Schools' Guide to the Diploma Program (PDF). Geneva, Switzerland: International Baccalaureate Organization. 2002. Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 December 2009. Retrieved 3 July 2009.

External links [edit]

  • The Diploma Program the IB's official website
  • A Guide To IB Diploma Plan TYCHR


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IB_Diploma_Programme

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